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Navigating the Ups and Downs: How to Cope When You Feel Touched Out as a Mom

As a mom, it's not unusual to feel like you're constantly being pulled in a million different directions. From the demands of work and household chores to the never-ending needs of your children, it's no wonder you may sometimes feel overwhelmed and emotionally drained. This is a common experience known as being "touched out," and it can make you feel like there's simply nothing left to give.

By implementing the techniques discussed in this post, you can overcome the overwhelm, find your inner strength, and continue to be the amazing mom you were always meant to be. So, let's dive in and discover how to overcome feeling touched out as a mom.

Understanding the concept of being "touched out" as a mom

Feeling "touched out" refers to the emotional and physical exhaustion that comes from constantly meeting the needs of others, particularly your children. It's the feeling of being overwhelmed by the constant demands for attention, affection, and physical contact. Understanding this concept is the first step towards finding ways to cope with and overcome it.

The impact of feeling touched out on mental and emotional well-being

Feeling touched out as a mom can have a significant impact on your mental and emotional well-being. The constant physical contact and demands of motherhood can leave you feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and emotionally drained.

It's important to recognize and address these feelings to maintain a healthy balance in your life.

1. Increased Stress and Anxiety: When you constantly feel touched out, it can lead to increased levels of stress and anxiety. The never-ending physical demands can make you feel like your personal space is constantly invaded, leaving you with little time or energy to recharge. This can create a cycle of stress and anxiety, making it difficult to cope with everyday challenges.

2. Decreased Patience and Irritability: Feeling constantly touched out can also affect your patience levels. When your personal boundaries are continually crossed, it's natural to become irritable and easily frustrated. This can impact your interactions with others, including your children and partner, leading to strained relationships and conflicts.

3. Emotional Exhaustion and Burnout: The exhaustion that comes with feeling touched out can extend beyond physical fatigue. It can leave you emotionally drained, making it challenging to find joy and fulfillment in motherhood. This emotional exhaustion can contribute to feelings of burnout, where you may question your ability to meet the needs of your children and yourself.

4. Loss of Identity and Self-Care: Feeling touched out can sometimes lead to a loss of personal identity. As a mom, it's common to put your children's needs before your own, but it's essential to prioritize self-care. Neglecting your own self-care needs can further contribute to feelings of being touched out, as you may feel like you have lost touch with who you are outside of motherhood.

5. Impact on Mental Health: The ongoing feeling of being touched out can have a negative impact on your mental health. It's important to recognize when these feelings are becoming overwhelming and seek support from a mental health professional if needed. They can help you develop strategies to cope with the challenges of feeling touched out and improve your overall well-being.

Remember, feeling touched out is a common experience for many moms, and it's crucial to prioritize your own well-being. Finding ways to establish boundaries, practice self-care, and seek support can help you navigate the ups and downs of motherhood and maintain a healthy balance in your life.

Identifying the triggers that contribute to feeling touched out

Identifying the triggers that contribute to feeling touched out is an essential step in understanding and managing these feelings. By recognizing the specific situations or circumstances that lead to feeling overwhelmed, you can develop strategies to address and mitigate these triggers.

Here are some common ‘touched out’ triggers to consider:

1. Lack of Personal Space: One of the primary triggers for feeling touched out is a lack of personal space. Constant physical contact, such as breastfeeding, carrying, or comforting your child, can leave you craving space and solitude. Recognize when you need a break and create boundaries to allow yourself some uninterrupted time alone.

2. Constant Demands: The never-ending demands of motherhood can contribute to feeling touched out. From attending to your child's needs, managing household chores, and juggling other responsibilities, it can be overwhelming. Take note of the tasks and responsibilities that feel the most draining and consider ways to delegate or streamline them to reduce the load.

3. Sleep Deprivation: Lack of sleep can intensify feelings of being touched out. When you're exhausted, even the smallest physical contact can feel overwhelming. Identify strategies to improve your sleep hygiene, such as establishing a bedtime routine or seeking support from your partner or a trusted caregiver to ensure you get adequate rest.

4. Emotional Exhaustion: Emotional exhaustion can be a significant trigger for feeling touched out. Constantly giving and nurturing without taking time for yourself can leave you feeling emotionally drained. Pay attention to the signs of emotional exhaustion, such as feeling easily overwhelmed or lacking joy in motherhood, and prioritize self-care activities to recharge your emotional well-being.

5. Sensory Overload: The sensory stimulation that comes with motherhood can contribute to feeling touched out. The constant noise, movement, and physical contact can become overwhelming, particularly if you have a highly sensitive nervous system. Find ways to create a calm and sensory-friendly environment for yourself and your children, such as implementing quiet times or using sensory tools like noise-cancelling headphones.

6. Lack of Support: Feeling touched out can also be intensified when you don't have adequate support. If you feel like you're carrying the majority of the physical and emotional load, it's natural to experience increased feelings of being touched out. Seek support from your partner, family, or friends, and consider joining support groups or online communities where you can connect with other moms who may be experiencing similar challenges.

By identifying the triggers that contribute to feeling touched out, you can take proactive steps to address and manage these feelings. Remember, it's essential to prioritize your well-being and establish boundaries to ensure a healthy balance between meeting your child's needs and taking care of yourself.

Coping mechanisms and self-care strategies for moms feeling touched out

Self-care is crucial for moms who feel touched out. This section will explore a variety of coping mechanisms and self-care strategies that can help you recharge and regain your emotional balance. From setting aside time for yourself to engage in activities you enjoy, to practicing mindfulness and relaxation techniques, there are numerous ways to prioritize your well-being and manage the overwhelm.

Establishing boundaries and communicating your needs as a mom

Setting boundaries and effectively communicating your needs is essential for combating the feeling of being touched out. Boundaries are not about being selfish or shutting people out; they are about creating a healthy balance in your life. Some effective communication boundaries with family members, friends and others include:

  1. Be Clear and Specific: Clearly communicate your limits, whether it’s regarding your time, energy or personal space.

  2. Use “I” Statements: This approach helps others understand that your boundaries are about your own well-being and not a reflection of their actions.

  3. Practice Assertiveness: Practice assertive communication by using a firm but polite tone, maintaining eye contact, and standing your ground.

  4. Set Consequences: Be clear about what will happen if your boundaries are not respected.

  5. Seek Support: If you find it challenging to communicate your boundaries, seek support from a trusted friend, coach | therapist, or support group.

  6. Practice Self-Compassion: Practice self-compassion and remind yourself that setting boundaries is essential for your overall well-being and the well-being of your family.

*Be Sure to read my blog on Building a Stronger and Happier Mom: The Power of Setting Boundaries

Finding time for personal space and alone time as a mom

Finding time for personal space and alone time is crucial for moms feeling touched out. This section will explore practical ways to carve out moments of solitude and recharge.

Here are some strategies to help you carve out that much-needed personal space:

1. Communicate Your Needs: Start by communicating your need for personal space and alone time to your partner, family members, or other caregivers involved in your child's care. Clearly express why it's important to you and discuss how they can support you in finding that time. By involving others, you can create a network of support that allows you to take regular breaks.

2. Set Boundaries: Establishing boundaries is key to finding personal space and alone time. Clearly communicate your boundaries with your family or household members. Let them know when you need uninterrupted time and ask them to respect that. Setting boundaries helps create a sense of predictability and ensures that your personal space is respected.

3. Create a Schedule: Make it a priority to schedule personal space and alone time in your daily or weekly routine. Treat it as an essential appointment with yourself. Whether it's a few minutes of solitude in the morning, an hour in the evening, or a designated day for self-care activities, having it on your schedule increases the likelihood of actually making time for it.

4. Utilize Naptime or Bedtime: If you have young children who still take naps, utilize this time to have some personal space and alone time. Use this time to engage in activities that recharge you, such as reading, taking a bath, practicing mindfulness, or pursuing a hobby. Similarly, once your children are in bed, take advantage of the quiet evenings to relax and engage in activities that bring you joy.

5. Seek Support from Others: Don't hesitate to reach out to your support network for help. Whether it's asking your partner to take over childcare duties for a set period, seeking assistance from family members, or arranging playdates with other moms to give each other some time off, seeking support can provide you with the opportunity to have personal space and alone time.

6. Embrace Small Moments: Remember that personal space and alone time don't have to be lengthy or extravagant. Embrace the small moments throughout the day when you can carve out a few minutes for yourself. It could be enjoying a cup of tea in silence, going for a short walk alone, or practicing deep breathing exercises. These small moments can add up and make a significant difference in your overall well-being.

7. Consider Childcare Options: If you find it challenging to find personal space and alone time within your current routine, consider exploring childcare options. Hiring a babysitter, enrolling your child in a daycare program, or joining a co-op childcare group can provide you with dedicated time for yourself. Remember, taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your child.

By prioritizing your needs and implementing these strategies, you can create a healthy balance between being a mom and nurturing your own well-being. Remember, taking care of yourself allows you to show up as the best version of yourself for your children.

Embracing self-compassion and understanding that it's okay to feel touched out sometimes

Embracing self-compassion and understanding that it's okay to feel touched out as a mom sometimes is essential for your well-being. Motherhood comes with a multitude of emotions, and feeling overwhelmed or touched out is a normal part of the journey.

Here are some ways to cultivate self-compassion in moments when you're feeling touched out:

1. Normalize Your Feelings: Understand that feeling touched out is a common experience for many moms. It's okay to acknowledge and validate these feelings without judgment. Remind yourself that you're not alone in experiencing this, and it doesn't make you any less of a loving and caring mother.

2. Practice Self-Kindness: Treat yourself with kindness and understanding when you're feeling touched out. Instead of criticizing or berating yourself, offer yourself words of encouragement and support. Remind yourself that it's natural to have limitations and that taking care of your own well-being is just as important as meeting the needs of your children.

3. Let go of Mom Guilt: Release any guilt or shame you may feel about needing personal space or feeling touched out. Remember that your own well-being is vital for you to be the best mom you can be. Embrace the fact that taking care of yourself is not selfish but necessary for your overall happiness and ability to show up fully for your children.

4. Seek Support and Connection: Reach out to other moms or support groups where you can openly discuss and share your experiences of feeling touched out. Connecting with others who can relate to your feelings can provide a sense of validation and support. Sharing your struggles can help you realize that you're not alone and offer a fresh perspective on managing these emotions.

5. Practice Mindfulness and Self-Care: Incorporate mindfulness and self-care practices into your daily routine. Engage in activities that help you reconnect with yourself and bring a sense of calm and relaxation. Whether it's practicing meditation, taking a relaxing bath, going for a walk in nature, or pursuing a hobby you enjoy, prioritize self-care to replenish your emotional reserves.

6. Set Realistic Expectations: Recognize that you can't be everything to everyone all the time. Set realistic expectations for yourself and let go of the pressure to always be available or perfect. Remember that it's okay to ask for help and delegate responsibilities to others. By doing so, you can create space for yourself and reduce the likelihood of feeling overwhelmed or touched out.

7. Celebrate Your Strengths: Take time to acknowledge and celebrate your strengths as a mom. Recognize the love, care, and dedication you pour into your children's lives. Celebrate the moments when you're able to navigate challenging emotions and find ways to prioritize your well-being. Remind yourself that you're doing the best you can with the resources and support available to you.

Remember, feeling touched out is a normal part of motherhood, and it doesn't diminish your love or commitment to your children. Embracing self-compassion allows you to navigate these feelings with kindness and understanding. By prioritizing your own well-being, you can create a healthier and more balanced approach to motherhood.


Feeling touched out as a mom is a common experience, but it doesn't have to define your journey. By understanding the concept, identifying triggers, and implementing coping mechanisms and self-care strategies, you can navigate the ups and downs and find balance in your role as a mom. Remember to establish boundaries, seek support, and prioritize your well-being. Embrace self-compassion and know that it's okay to feel touched out sometimes. You are an amazing mom, and with the strategies discussed in this article, you can reclaim your joy and continue to thrive on this beautiful and rewarding journey of motherhood.

If you are ready to start your journey with a mom coach on nurturing yourself in the midst of mom wife burnout, I would love to set a time to talk with you.

Take a look at my services, schedule a consult…And if you are not quite ready to commit, you can start your journey with one of my workbooks for you or you kids!